9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
Gordon B. Hinckley
1. Being Grateful: is warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness and what they have given you or what someone has done for you. and being grateful will make you in a better mood because it will make you happy and also make you feel better about yourself. Also being grateful is all about having a positive attitude and being thankful for what you have in life even though sometimes it might not be a lot but you have to always appreciate what you have. Being kind to everyone would give you a positive lifestyle and you will live your life so much better and many people would actually want to be around you. Being grateful gives you so many pros and good vibes.
"Happiness is an attitude that can be cultivated with gratitude."
I will be grateful everyday because there is lots of things to be thankful for and to also appreciate
2. Be Smart:sometimes you think being smart is all about getting good grades but being smart can bring you many benefits to your life for example being smart can allow you to make the right decisions in life and not the wrongs ones because if you weren't smart on making decisions then your life would be a mess because you can't manage to make good decisions and good decisions equal a great future or life. Many things could come of if you're really smart like you can have a successful life and make something out of it so being smart is not all about being book smart there are many ways to be smart.
"Be smart, be intelligent and be informed." by Tony Alessandra
I will be smart in every way possible by making good decisions
3. Be Involved in Good Works: being involved in good works can be a good thing because you will become more independent and make yourself have a better life. Being in good works can give you many benefits and would give you a successful life. this is something to be proud of because many times many people dont do the right thing and end up doing something they weren't suppose to
4. Be Clean: A clean person appears more diligent , pleasant and inoffensive to others. Cleanliness has to come to be associated with being a good person because it suggests health and respect for others who come in contact with you. Being a clean person can enhance your life. Being clean can really help with many things and also being clean can also mean that your a healthy person that's gets enough sleep and exercises at least half an hour a day. Many people that are clean are most likely to succeed in life and make their living environment a better place.
" Clean up your business." by Robert Fulghum
5. Be True: Be true to yourself and others because if your not telling them the truth no one would believe you and they would lose all their trust in you and it would be hard to get their trust back. Its very important to be true because without being trustworthy you'll not get anywhere in life and the people around you would not even want to be near you because they know they cant trust you with anything and also be true to yourself like stand up for what you believe even if it means standing alone. Life is all about being yourself, Be unique no matter if someone doesnt agree there would always be someone that is there for you and would appreciate you
"As long as your being true to yourself, you'll always find Happiness."
6. Be Positive: Being positive is be a good thing because you are being a good person and staying positive no matter how bad the situation is. You always have to be positive because that's the only way you will ever achieve whatever you're doing. The best way to become positive is to accept yourself and try not to judge yourself for your thoughts or feelings and remember that you dont always have to be right. If you have a negative life then you'll never believe in yourself and you'll never succeed with anything because you think your not going to achieve that or be successful in it.
7. Be Humble: Being humble can be a sign of being a successful person and many good things can happen to you. There are many ways to be a humble person like for example happiness this can be a huge thing to being a humble person because happiness can give you a positive life style and this can really benefit the way you live. Another way is that you always have hope because being hopeful can really help with many things and you will appreciate the little things you have right now then being ungrateful. Also you need to care about other people, treat them with respect and tell them the truth when there asking nothing but the truth.Being Humble also means to be Open Minded.
"Being Humble is not what we think less of ourselves its that we think of ourselves less."
8. Be Still : Being still is good because you can relax and empty out your mind and really not think of anything bad and you can really become more positive. Being quiet or simply just relax and get your mind of things. Being still can be a challenge for some people because no matter what they always have to be doing something and they cant really stay still or be quiet.
“Feel your emotions, Live true your passions, Keep still your mind.”
―Geoffrey M. Gluckman
9. Be Prayerful: One way of being prayerful is to be honest and help others that need help being honest is a huge benefit to your life because if you're honest many people will trust you and would like to be near you.
FINAL REFLECTION : The 9 ways to be happy really made me a better person because this has opened my eyes more and it really made me think about things twice before I do anything. In going to really pay attention to things and do my best to not make any wrong things and i really need to take the time to be still and think about things because I need to work on that because i cant stay still. This whole thing made me appreciate the little things that i have and be more grateful for what i have.
The 9 Ways Concluding Words by Gordon B. Hinckley
" There they are, nine Be's which if observed will bring handsome dividends to any young man or woman. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from headaches and pains. They will bring purpose into your life and give you directions to your energies
They will bring you friends of your own kind. they will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
This is a time to be happy. This is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What i have tried to put forth...are simple few suggestions gained from many years of living to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness- things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires.
If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a stream get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
At railroad grade crossing signs of Waring were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words " Stop, Look, Listen." They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alerts.
I was riding a train in the Midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and a girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. We looked out the window on the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged , following by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed tracks. They did not stop, look , or listen . It all happened in an instant.
The better way to Be is the way of these nine Be's
The years will inevitably pass, and pass quickly. Today is your day of resolutions. Promise yourself to make something good of (your) precious life."